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Submit Your Story

We encourage all patients, spouses, family, and caregivers to share your dysautonomia story with our members. Knowing you are not alone is a powerful tool in coping with any chronic illness.


You may email us a free form written submission, or answer any of the the questions below. Please cut and paste them into a document or email, and send them with pictures to us at Please include at least one picture, even if it is of an inspirational quote or pet.

Dysautonomia SOS Feature Interview:
1. Name (as you want it displayed):

2. Age (if you want it displayed, sometimes helps others relate):

3. Are you a patient, spouse, parent, or friend? 
***If you are not a patient, please answer the following in terms of your role while being there for your loved one with Dysautonomia.
4. What type of Dysautonomia are you diagnosed with?

5. Do you have any other conditions you want to share?

6. What was your journey to getting a diagnosis like?

7. What is your biggest struggle with Dysautonomia (parenting/school/work/etc..)?  Feel free to describe.

8. Is there a Dysautonomia success story you would like to share?

9. What are your top three treatments that help you function daily?

10. Who has inspired you most on your journey? Why?

11. What is your favorite inspirational quote?
12. What would you like to say to the public at large about your situation and Dysautonomia?

13. What advice would you give to a newly diagnosed patient (or someone else in your position if you are not a patient)?

14. Any other comments:

Please attach as many photos as possible, and email us. We will email any necessary edits (no profanity please!) back to you for approval before posting on our website. Returning this form signifies that you allow Dysautonomia SOS to use the content shared on our website and in print. Thanks so much!

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